Monthly Angel Membership [Scroll down to checkout payment box]

 As an Annual angel member, you gain access to: 

  1. Neck Hump + Rounded Shoulders edition 
  2. Prenatal edition
  3. Postnatal edition
  4. Rounded Shoulders edition
  5. Back edition
  6. Neck Hump & Double Chin edition
  7. Knock Knees by Flat Feet edition
  8. Strength & Flexibility edition 
  9. Breath Work edition 
  10. Constipation & Bloating edition 
  11. Strength edition
  12. Flexibility edition


  • Unlimited access to monthly workshops
  • Instant access to the toolbox
  • Join the angel community


Join today for $20/month

To join as an annual angel member and get instant access to everything Posture Paradise click here

$20.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

1. Please note that this doesn't replace professional medical advice and you should consult your physician before joining this practice. By participating in this practice, you agree to take full responsibility of your own safety and wellbeing. Listen to your body always and never do anything that causes pain.

2. Once payment is made, there are NO REFUNDS. It's your responsibility to cancel the angel membership subscription.